Thank You Donors

Thank You to Our Generous Supporters

A message from all of us………

We appreciate each and everyone who volunteers, donate goods, and/or make contributions to ensure we continue our mission to fight food insecurity through our food pantry, nonprofit grocery store, and other programs. Your generosity has allowed us to teach science, technology, engineering, and mathematics after-school to at-risk children whom truly need the extra academic support. We’re able to provide permanent job placement, youth mentorship, and counseling services. Your donations also directly help homeless youth gain stability, provide low-income families with diapers and wipes, help seniors, veterans, and people with disabilities to make ends meet. Your contribution also provides life saving essentials like blankets, bottled water, and hot food to disaster survivors throughout the United States. Without people like yourself, this would not be possible. Thank you from the Smart Choices Texas team and client participants.

Corporate Sponsors & Donors

Bank of America

Burt’s Bee’s


Creative Cuts


Express Scripts/Cigna

Huggies – Kimberly-Clark

Foot Locker Kids Foundation

Ford Fund

Google for Nonprofits

Liberty Mutual Foundation


Office Depot Foundation


Panera Bread

Lego Education


Sam’s Club

Sports Academy Foundation


Tableau Foundation

Target Foundation

The Children’s Place

The Coca-Cola Foundation

Marine Toys For Tots – DFW


Walmart Foundation

Wells Fargo Foundation